Why Green Foods

According to “The Guide to Natural Living” by Larry Cook.  Green Food supplements are pretty common.  You can find them at most natural food stores and even in some supermarkets.   What green food supplements have in common are alfalfa, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina and wild blue-green algae.   Most of the products contain most or all of these plants and algae.  While green food products offer a variety of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids, they all contain chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is an important blood builder that works on the cellular level.   

Paul Pitchford, author of Healing with Whole Foods says that chlorophyll provides numerous health benefits. It stops bacterial growth in wounds, eliminates bad breath and body odor, removes drug deposits, and counteracts all toxins, including radiation. It also builds blood, renews tissue, promotes healthful intestinal flora, activates enzymes that produce vitamins A, D, and K, reverses anemic conditions, reduces high blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, relieves nervousness and serves as a mild diuretic.—a unique and important blood builder.  

Wow, that is a lot of good stuff. I can attest to the strengthened immune system.  I haven’t had a cold in over a year, and I’m raising a daughter.

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