My Detox Supplement Story

Don’t be fooled into buying a product that just targets detox.  While these might be decent products, a quality green food will detox your body, and cleanse your blood.  Vitamineral Green is a green food and a natural detox supplement that will detox the body the liver, the colon and the blood.

This is my story of going through supplements – the ups, downs, what didn’t work and ultimately what works for me.    Finally, I found Vitamineral Green.

Last year it seemed as if I was always tired. I drank a lot of coffee in the morning.  By the afternoon I had to drink an energy drink filed with sugar and caffeine to keep me going.  I seemed to lack motivation and I was anxious all the time.  I started doing some research online and I realized that I should try and detox my body.  I thought, what the heck! Might as well give it a try.

I’m not very good at fasting. Eating a ton of fruit didn’t seem too appetizing to me and giving up coffee just seemed impossible.  However, I knew I needed to change something.

I started small. I got some lemons and squeezed them into my water every morning.  That alone did wonders. This got me more motivated.  I started looking into natural supplements, since I never eat fruit.  I stumbled upon Super Food.

This stuff worked great!  I had a serving in the morning and it gave me a great amount of energy.  The downside – it tasted like I was drinking lawn clippings. I drank it anyway.

I was still drinking a ton of coffee in the mornings; however, about a week after drinking Super Food in the mornings, I noticed that I didn’t need to get an energy drink in the afternoon.  I wasn’t crashing like I was before.  This got me doing more research. I found that coffee isn’t the best thing in the world and if you are hooked on caffeine, tea is a much better supplement.  So I switched from coffee to green tea.

So, at this point, my routine looked something like this:  I had a full glass of water with lemon, a dose of super food and green tea in the mornings.  Let me tell you, this changed my life.  I had more energy throughout the day than I knew what to do with.

I still had one problem.  I couldn’t get my wife to follow along.  She tried the Super Food and it almost made her gag.  I did some more research online and came across Vitamineral Green.  This product tasted much better! Even my 3 year old daughter drinks it when I mix it with orange juice! My wife loves it and notices a huge increase in her energy level on the days she drinks Better Than Greens.  Not only does this product taste better than Super Food, it’s the best green food on the market!  If you don’t believe me, read the reviews on Amazon.  Try it for a few weeks I promise it will change your life.

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